Tips For First-Time TBEX Attendees
Hey y'all! Welcome back!
I just came back from my first TBEX conference earlier this month in Huntsville, Alabama. I had an amazing time! Check out my YouTube video on my experience as a minority at TBEX.
This article provides some tips, not in any particular order of importance, for first-time TBEX attendees.
1. Get your tickets as early as you can.
The earlier you get your tickets, the less money you will have to pay. Go to for more information on how to register and ticket pricing information.
2. Be on time! Be on time! Be on time!
This may seem like an obvious tip because you'll be on time for the breakout sessions, but be on time even to the parties. Personally, I don't like being at a party as soon as it begins; this is a bad approach for the TBEX parties. Remember, you want to make as many connections as possible. Going to the parties early allows you to mix and mingle with as many people as possible because people come and go at various times throughout the night. The conference is set up so that you will have some time to change/shower/decompress between the conference and the parties. However, how much time you have to decompress also depends on where you are staying, so keep that in mind when choosing your lodging. I stayed in an Airbnb about 20 minutes from the convention center where TBEX was held, which isn’t a bad drive, but the commute did cut into the time I had in between events to change, decompress, and head back out.
So I repeat to you, don’t be tardy for the party! Do go to the parties on time since this isn't the kind of party where most people are going all night. And, even if the party does go all night, being early allows you to stand out, get noticed, and maybe even get a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with some of the well-known bloggers you are interested in speaking with.
3. Attend Pre-BEX or Post-BEX tours, and/or FAM trips, if you can.
I didn't really know what these tours and trip were before attending a Pre-BEX tour, but they are basically trips to local destinations to enjoy the site. While I have not been on a FAM trip, those seem to be a little more intensive because (I believe) you need to create content for the trip that chooses you, which is why you need to apply. As far as the Pre-BEX and Post-BEX tours, you just sign up, go, and have fun! Of course, there are always opportunities to make partnerships during these tours as well.
4. Go to the "TBEX First Timers" session.
I found this session helpful (even though it was dreadfully early), but during this session, you get some tips and pointers with what to do and what to expect for your first TBEX. There were even people who were not first time attendees who went to this session, so I think that says a lot.
5. Be outgoing and original.
TBEX is not the place to be shy. As an introvert, I know it is draining to mix and mingle with new people every day for hours on end, but just do what you need to in order recharge throughout the day and try to be as present and social as you can.
As far as bring original, don't think that you need to write, talk, or act like anyone else to be successful. Whatever topic(s) you cover, be confident and tell people about what you do. You never know what brands are looking for and brands are always looking for new and fresh content.
6. Meet at least 10 new people every day.
I'm bad at estimating people in a room (also gumballs in a jar), so I am not sure how many people were in attendance at TBEX Huntsville, but it is so easy to meet 10 new people a day. Don't get caught up with just hanging out who you came with or a friend you made before/at the conference. When you're eating lunch or just hanging out in the hallway in between sessions, introduce yourself. You never know where your conversation may lead.
7. Find people who are doing what you are doing.
As you strike up conversations with people, I am certain you will find people who are doing what you are interested in doing. See if a partnership can be formed, if not now, down the road. You never know when an opportunity pops up for someone else and they are in a position to give it to someone else; you want to be on their shortlist.
8. Share relevant articles in the Facebook group page.
What I have learned since I’ve started blogging is that you are blogging/vlogging for a reason: to share tips, an experience, dos and don'ts, etc. Therefore, when people ask, "Hey, has anyone ever been to TBEX?” you can send them your article or video. This is a good way to expose yourself to a larger audience without doing it in an invasive way.
Even if an article you would like to share is not your own, it is a good way to possibly spark up a conversation with someone. It is especially helpful for after TBEX events to keep up with people by staying on their mind with an article that is relevant to something they are interested in.
9. Get merchandise with your logo and business cards.
I had business cards, but I did not have merchandise with my social media/logo. I will for Ireland! This just makes you stand out and people can follow you/look you up without even if they don’t get the chance to speak to you.
10. Dress in business casual attire.
This isn't a requirement, but I think it's always a good idea to dress in a nice pair of slacks/skirt and shirt or dress. I did also dress in jeans for my Pre-BEX tour, so this suggestion is mainly for the conference days. However, if business casual is not your style, skip this tip.
11. Eat breakfast at home, but leave lunch, dinner, and drinks up to them!
I did not know this before signing up, but TBEX will feed you! Breakfast at TBEX Huntsville consisted of apples, bananas, oranges, and assorted muffin cakes, but as a picky eater who is not too big on breakfast anyway, I opted for the fruit and water. If you are looking for a more filling breakfast, I would eat before. However, I am not sure if breakfast will vary from destination to destination. Every other meal, TBEX has you covered!
12. Follow up!
This is a good article on how to follow up with the people who you want to after the conference. Follow up is one of the most important aspects of any networking event.
13. Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is probably one of the most important tips. While TBEX is networking event, it's probably one of the most fun conferences that I have been to. Just have fun, be yourself, and be prepared to get out of your comfort zone, especially as a newbie blogger.
That's all I have until TBEX Ireland! Woohoo!